Be a Yoga Behind Bars GiveBig Champion

Yoga Behind Bars is excited to be participating in GiveBig Washington’s online fundraiser on May 5th & 6th and we hope that you will join us!

The need for your support is bigger than ever, as we have had to postpone our annual fundraiser, and cancel our most robust source of earned revenue – our community trainings.  Our goal is to raise $10,000 and reach 10,000 social media followers by May 6th at 11:59pm.

Here is how you can help:

  • FUNdraise on behalf of Yoga Behind Bars (Raise $250 or get 8+ donations and you will receive a 30-minute online accessible yoga class for you and your friends!)

  • Follow us on social media + Share our posts with your network

  • Donate to Yoga Behind Bars

  • Attend our online events

Speaking of events, check out all of our amazing happenings for the next 2 weeks:

We have also created a guide and resources document to help you help us!

Thank you so much for being a supporter of Yoga Behind Bars and we hope that you will consider being a YBB GiveBig Champion! If you have any questions, please reach out to


Why I Teach by Dwayne, a YBB Teacher Behind Bars


An Inmates’ Guide to Surviving COVID–19 by Steve, a YBB Teacher Behind Bars